우주의 책세상의 우주입니다.
오늘 소개해 드릴 영어 그림책은 Elina Ellis의 <the Big Adventure>입니다.
표지를 보니 동물들이 어디론가 가고 있습니다.
여행을 가는 걸까요?
등산을 하고 있는 걸까요?
어떤 이야기일지 함께 읽어보아요~
It was the start of a new day.
Moose, Fox, Chicken and Bear stared out of the window
and wondered what to do.
"Let's go beyond the hill and have a really
BIG adventure," said Bear.
"A really BIG adventure needs
a lot of planning and preparation," said Moose.
They all agreed.
"Let's go to Africa!" said Fox.
"Or the North Pole!" said Bear.
"We could go to the moon," said Moose.
"Or to the next village," said Chichen.
"My auntie lives there."
"I would love to meet a whale," said Bear.
"Or a lion," said Fox.
"Or an alien," said Moose.
"Or my auntie," said Chicken.
They started to pack.
"We'll need these," said Fox.
"And these," said Moose.
"And we can't go without these," said Bear.
"Are you sure?" asked Chicken.
Then they began to get anxious,
"What if ther is a STORM?" worried Moose.
"Or a fire?" shuddered Bear.
"Or a crash?" shivered Fox.
"There won't be," said Chicken.
The night before the big adventure,
Moose, Fox and Bear lay wide awake.
"I can't sleep," said Moose.
"I'm scared," said Fox.
"My tummy feels funny," said Bear.
Chicken said nothing.
과연 이 동물 친구들은 Big Adventure를
떠날 수 있을까요?
오늘도 아이들에게 그림책을 읽어 주세요.
우리 아이들의 미래가 달라집니다.

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