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영어 그림책 추천 <Ruby Finds a Worry>

by ^___^^___^ 2023. 6. 18.


우주의 책세상의 우주입니다.

오늘 소개해 드릴 영어 그림책은 톰 퍼시벌의 <Ruby Finds a Worry>입니다.

이 책은 <걱정은 걱정말아요>라는 번역서로 더 잘 알려져 있죠.

표지를 보니 여자 아이 한 명과 노란색의 그 무엇이 보입니다.

어떤 이야기일까요?

Ruby loved being Ruby.

She loved to swing up high...

...and she loved to explore

wild, faraway places.

Sometimes she even went all the way

to the very bottom of the garden!

Ruby was perfectly happy.

Until one day...

...She discovered a Worry.

It wasn't a very big Worry...

In fact, it was so small that, 

at first, Ruby hardly noticed it.

But then the Worry started to grow.

Each day it got a little bit bigger...

It just wouldn't leave her alone.

It was there at breakfast, 

staring at her over the cereal box.

And it was STILL there at night,

when she brushed her teeth.

The funny thing was that no one else could see

Ruby's Worry - not even her teacer.

So Ruby pretended that she couldn't see it either.

She tried to carry on

as if everything was normal - 

but it just wasn't!

The Worry was always there - stopping her

from doing the things that she loved.

Ruby wondered if the Worry

would ever go away.

What if it didn't?

What if it stayed with her forever?

Ruby didn't realize it, but she was doing

the worst thing you can ever do with a Worry:

she was worring about it!

Now the Worry was ENORMOUS!

It could barely fit in the kichen at dinnertime.

It filled up half the school bus...

...and it took up whole rows at the movie theater.

The Worry became the only thing that

Ruby could think about, and it seemed like 

she would never feel happy again.



Worry가 너무 커져버렸는데요??


오늘도 아이들에게 그림책을 읽어 주세요.

우리 아이들의 미래가 달라집니다.

