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영어 그림책 추천 <Where Snowflakes Fall>

by ^___^^___^ 2023. 4. 26.


우주의 책세상의 우주입니다.

오늘 소개해드릴 영어 그림책은 클레어 프리드만의 <Where Snowflakes Fall>입니다.

표지를 보니 little seal이 보입니다.

눈망울이 너무 초롱초롱합니다.

어떤 이야기일까요?

The glittering ice world wakes up to the sun.

In this fragile white land, a new day's begun.

Snow leopards wake to the pink blush of dawn,

Still drowsy from sleep, they're cosy and warm.

Perched on the cliffs where it's craggy and steep,

Hungry for breakfast the puffin chicks cheep.

Deep from their den, polar bears tumble ou.

On wobbly paws, they slither about.

Baby whale glides through the crystal blue sea.

In the calm waters, he's happy and free.

Icicles glisten and glint in the light,

Silent, magnificent towers of white.

Drawn from their cave by the first rays of sun,

Lively young lemmings dart out to have fun.

Which animal will come out next to play in the snow?


오늘도 아이들에게 그림책을 읽어 주세요.

