우주의 책세상의 우주입니다.
오늘 소개해 드릴 영어 그림책은 존 클라센의 <I Want My Hat Back>입니다.
표지를 보니 곰 한 마리가 보입니다.
어떤 이야기일까요?
My hat is gone.
I want it back.
Have you seen my hat?
No. I haven't seen your hat.
OK. Thank you anyway.
Have you seen my hat?
No. I have not seen any hats around here.
OK. Thank you anyway.
Have you seen my hat?
No. Why are you asking me.
I haven't seen it.
I haven't seen any hats anywhere.
I would not steal a hat.
Don't ask me any more questions.
OK. Thank you anyway.
Have you seen my hat?
I haven't seen anything all day.
I have been trying to climb this rock.
Would you like me to lift you on top of it?
Yes, please.
Have you seen my hat?
I saw a hat once.
It was blue and round.
My hat doesn't look like that.
Thank you anyway.
Have you seen my hat?
What is a hat?
Thank you anyway.
Nobody has seen my hat.
What if I never see it again?
What if nobody ever finds it?
My poor hat.
I miss it so much.
What's the matter?
I have lost my hat.
And nobody has seen it.
What does your hat look like?
It is red and pointy and . . .
곰은 잃어버린 모자를 어디서 본 걸까요?
오늘도 아이들에게 그림책을 읽어 주세요.
우리 아이들의 미래가 달라집니다.

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