우주의 책세상의 우주입니다.
오늘 소개해 드릴 영어 그림책은 요시타케 신스케의 <I Can Be Anything>입니다.
표지를 보니 한 아이가 이불(?)을 뒤집어 쓰려고 하는 듯
어떤 이야기일까요?
"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
I have a really good idea!"
"Oh, really?"
"It's time to go to sleep."
"I'll pretend to be something
and you'll guess what it is!"
Now, don't get angry if I make a mistake."
"It's very easy."
"First question: What is it?"
"Let's see. Something dancing?"
"No, it isn't.
It's a pot!"
"Next, what is this?"
"Well... is it an arrow sign?"
"No, it isn't.
It's a clothespin!"
"Next, what is this?"
"Is it a doll?"
"No, it isn't.
It's a rice ball!"
"Next, what is this?"
"A caterpillar?"
"No, it isn't.
It's an omelet!"
"Next, what is this?"
"A pointy omelet?"
"No, it isn't.
It's Mount Fuji!"
"Would you like to finish the game
with three more?"
"Excuse me, but I need to fold
the laundry now."
"OK, ten more!"
"What is this?"
"Washing your face?"
과연 이번엔 엄마가 맞힐 수 있을까요?
오늘도 아이들에게 그림책을 읽어 주세요.
우리 아이들의 미래가 달라집니다.

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