<2023년 6월 2주 영어 그림책 주간 베스트 TOP 10>
이번주 영어 그림책 주간 베스트를 살펴보겠습니다.
1위 Ness the Nurse
Ness the Nurse (NE) (Board Book)
Ness the Nurse (NE) (Board Book)
2위 I Love the Earth
I Love the Earth (Board Books)
I Love the Earth (Board Books)
3위 Good Night OWl
Good Night Owl (Board Books)
Good Night Owl (Board Books)
4위 Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas
Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas (Paperback + CD + StoryPlus QR코드)
Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas (Paperback + CD + StoryPlus QR코드)
5위 Rain
Rain (Paperback)
Rain (Paperback)
6위 A Visitor for Bear
A Visitor for Bear (Paperback, Reprint)
A Visitor for Bear (Paperback, Reprint)
7위 The Paper Bag Princess
The Paper Bag Princess (Paperback)
The Paper Bag Princess (Paperback)
8위 That is Not Good Idea!
That is Not a Good Idea! (Paperback)
That is Not a Good Idea! (Paperback)
9위 Where's My Teddy?
Wheres My Teddy? (Paperback, 미국판)
Wheres My Teddy? (Paperback, 미국판)
10위 Dog Man #11: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea
Dog Man #11 : Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea (Hardcover)
Dog Man #11 : Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea (Hardcover)
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