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2023년 4월 2주 영어 그림책 주간 베스트 TOP 10

by ^___^^___^ 2023. 4. 15.

1위  Dog Man #11 : Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea 


Dog Man #11 : Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea (Hardcover)

Dog Man #11 : Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea (Hardcover)



2위  Miss Nelson Is Missing!


Miss Nelson Is Missing! (Paperback)

b 사고뭉치 말썽쟁이들을 대하는 선생님의 엉뚱하고 기발한 방법! /bBR BR 말썽꾸러기 아이들이 Miss Nelson 선생님 시간에 무례하게 구네요. 이야기를 들려주는 시간에도 딴 짓을 하구요. 어느날 Miss



3위  The True Story of the Three Little Pigs


The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (Paperback)

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (Paperback)



4위  They all Saw a Cat


They All Saw a Cat (Paperback)

They All Saw a Cat (Paperback)



5위  Moles Star


Moles Star (Paperback)

Moles Star (Paperback)



6위  The Rabbit Listened


The Rabbit Listened (Paperback)

The Rabbit Listened (Paperback)



7위  Alexander and the Terrible, Horible, No Good, Very Bad Day


Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Paperback, 2)

PAlexander knew it was going to be a terrible day when he woke up with gum in this hair.PAnd it got worse...PHis best friend deserted him. There was no dessert in his lunch bag. And, on top of all tha...



8위  Guess How Much I Love You


Guess How Much I Love You (Paperback)

Describes Little and Big Nutbrown Hares efforts to express their love for each other.



9위  The Kissing Hand


The Kissing Hand (Paperback)

The Kissing Hand (Paperback)



10위  The Tiger Who Came to Tea


The Tiger Who Came to Tea (Paperback)

An unexpected guest arrives at Sophies house and eats morethan his fair share in The Tiger Who Came to Tea (1968) by JudithKerr, conveyed in charming scenes that reflect 1960s sensibilities;and the la...



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