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2023년 3월 4주 영어 그림책 주간 베스트 TOP 10

by ^___^^___^ 2023. 4. 1.

1위  Dog Man #11 : Twenth Thousan Fleas Under the Sea


Dog Man #11 : Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea (Hardcover)

Dog Man #11 : Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea (Hardcover)



2위  The Sour Grape


The Sour Grape (Paperback)

The Sour Grape (Paperback)



3위  Where's Wally? Wow


Wheres Wally? Wow (Hardcover)

Wheres Wally? Wow (Hardcover)



4위  Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!


Dont Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! (Paperback)

When the driver leaves the bus temporarily, he gives the reader just one instruction: Dont let the pigeon drive the bus! But, boy, that pigeon tries every trick in the book to get in that driving seat...



5위  They All Saw a Cat


They All Saw a Cat (Paperback)

They All Saw a Cat (Paperback)



6위  Lubna and Pebble


Lubna and Pebble (Paperback)

Lubna and Pebble (Paperback)



7위  When Jessie Came Across the Sea


When Jessie Came Across the Sea (Paperback, Reprint)

When Jessie Came Across the Sea (Paperback, Reprint)



8위  I Want My Hat Back


I Want My Hat Back (Paperback)

I Want My Hat Back (Paperback)



9위  Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Mokeys and Their Mokey Business


Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business (Paperback)

Caps for Sale is a timeless classic, in print for over fifty years, and beloved by generations of readers. This easy-to-read story about a peddler and a band of mischievous monkeys is filled with warm...



10위  The True Story of the Three Little Pigs


The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (Paperback)

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (Paperback)



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